This was the grossest Motel I have ever stayed at!! It was so nasty! And to make matters worse... On the internet when we booked the room it was called Comfort Inn but there was no Comfort Inn anywhere and we ended up spending a ridiculous amount of money on the cab ride trying to find a motel that didn't exist!! It sucked!!
Alex and I had a nice breakfast together at the Airport! I got on my flight to San Francisco and Al got on his back to Salt Lake!
Becca and I just hung out at their house and waited for Megan to get home from work! We tried to take a cute picture! It was really hard though! We were laughing hysterically!
We played a lot of Hand and Foot! It is such a fun card game! Megan kicked our butts every game! (I still want a rematch!)
We went to one of Megan's friends party. He just finished his PHD at Stanford so we went to celebrate!
Becca and Binky cuddling on the couch! Binky is so cute!
Megan and Peanut! Peanut is adorable and everytime I took out my camera he came running over so I would take a picture of him! It was so cute!!

I had such a fun weekend but I really missed my boy and my girls! Next time Alex gets to go with me!
Thanks Becca and Megan for such a fun weekend! I had a wonderful time! You guys spoil me too much! Thanks again!!!
You have to send us these pictures. I need a copy of those awful tourist at dinner photos.
Looks like you had so much fun! I can't believe it's taken me this long to look at your stinkin blog! Work sucks!
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