Friday, November 27, 2009

Puzzle Time!!

In my family the holidays equals puzzle time! I swear its our favorite activity to do over at my mom's while chatting! Alex loves puzzles! My favorite part is getting the edge done! My mother is a huge nerd and everytime she gets a piece she has to say, 'Success!!' It's pretty entertaining! I can't wait to see how many puzzles we get done this holiday season! Becca is a huge puzzler and we usually get a few done in the week she visits! I can't wait!


The Workmans said...

We love puzzles too! We don't have very many though! :( I might have to start collecting puzzles or something like that. I love being able to just sit and relax and chat while putting them together. It's a great activity especially one that can include the whole family!!

Julie said...

I love puzzles too. But for some unknown reason I don't set one up very often. Maybe after my decoratings done I will set one up.

Unknown said...

I remember Marm say "Connect-idge" way more often than "Success!" Did you hear her say that at all? I hope she hasn't forgotten it.

Unknown said...

I never do puzzles at my own house! I always have a billion other things I should be doing! Becca, Marm hasn't said 'Connect-idge' once! We may have to remind her of that one!!

Leslie said...

I don't set puzzles up either! It was my delightful son-in-law that set this one up and then LEFT me to finish it by myself! Fortunately, I had a lot of SUCCESS and beaucoup de connectage and FINALLY finished the puzzle (thanks to Becca!)