Thursday, February 5, 2009

So Sleepy!!

I am so tired today! All I want to do is go home and get into my bed! It's been such a long week of early mornings and too much work! So hopefully I can make it through 2 more days of this! I think that Diet Rockstars are the only thing that is going to get me through it!

I use to be very sensitive towards caffeine and now it doesn't even faze me! So I have to stop drinking it after this week because I'm getting a bit dependent on it!


The Workmans said...

You and me both!! I love the picture of the sleepy girl. I would love for that to be me right now! Her comforter looks so comfy...haha!! Only 2 more days to go! We can do it!

Nikki said...

Speaking of caffeine, did you used to work at Cafe Espresso? I was just blog hopping and saw you and thought, hey, she looks familiar!