Monday, September 28, 2009

Library Card!!

I'm pretty excited about the fact that I have a library card!! I have not had one since I was probably 8! I got my card a few weeks ago and love it! I use to buy every book that I read or would borrow books from people! But now I'm a changed woman! I'm going to only buy my favorite books and get the rest from the Library!


The Workmans said...

Yay for library cards!! I am so happy we got them. It will help me save a bit of money on my book fetish!! Especially the books we aren't that thrilled with!! We need to go use our cards again soon!!

Julie said...

Dang, you just got your library card and now the library around the corner from you is closing. Oh well, it's still better to drive to the library than to buy books all the time.