Monday, April 20, 2009

17 Again...

Yesterday I saw 17 Again! I know I'm a dork! But it was a really cute movie! I went with Marshelle and it was so fun having a 'girls' day! I am always doing boy stuff so it was a nice change! I use to always go and see all the lame teeny bopper movies but never get to anymore because Alex refuses! It was a really cute family movie and I'm starting to think that Zac Effron is pretty cute!


The Workmans said...

You totally hate me! I want to go see that movie too. I'm glad it was cute! I lucked out with Jon cause he likes those kind of movies...he would never admit it to anyone though!! ;)

Brattany :) said...

I love it! I will go see it again with you guys! I don't hate you!!

Bret Miller said...

Bret and I saw this last weekend too. I practically dragged him there but in the end he loved it! ps. Zac Efron is hot.