Friday, April 3, 2009


The other day Alex did a quick load of laundry, we were watching a movie and totally forgot about the clothes in there! (I don't like to leave the clothes in the washer for a long time or they will smell like mildew!!) Alex ran back to put the clothes in the dryer and when he got back there the clothes had been washed but for some strange reason the lid was up on the washer! How in the world does that happen? I think that we have a ghost living in our house! We always have weird things happen that we can't explain! Alex's parents house is totally haunted and maybe that ghost followed us to our house?


The Workmans said...

That is nuts! Kinda scary too!! Makes me wanna watch Poltergeist!!

Julie said...

Our house is haunted. Remember, our ghost is nice. It sounds like your ghost is nice too. It's helping with the laundry.