Sunday, April 5, 2009

Craft Day!!

Sara and I decided that we wanted to do a craft day every month! I am not exactly the definition of a 'crafty' person but I have decided to try anyway! Yesterday Sara and I had our first craft day! It went surprisingly well! We decided to make these cute fabric covered bulletin boards!

First we painted our picture frames! I chose a very pretty dark brown! We had to do 3 coats of paint so the wood wouldn't show through!

This is after the first coat of paint and mine doesn't look too cute! It looked much cuter after the 3rd coat!

Then we hot glued the cork board onto the card board that comes in the frame!

We decided to do 2 layers of cork board and that worked out perfectly! We had just the right amount to do two layers!

Then we folded the fabric over the card board, we hot glued it in place and then tacked down the corners to make them look prettier!

This is the front view of the cork board with the fabric covering it!

Here is the final product! They turned out really cute! (I could not take a straight picture of it to save my life!!) I have decided that I'm going to put a few pictures of Al and I on it! I'm thinking sepia pictures would look really cute!

I can't wait until our next craft day! We had so much fun!!


Jamilyn and Clark said...

So cute! What a great idea! Now every time you walk by you can be proud of yourself for making your own home decor. :)

The Workmans said...

That was so much fun! Yours turned out so dang cute! I think you should totally go with the sepia colored photos that would look really good!! I gotta get mine up now! ;)