Monday, May 11, 2009

Bee's Game...

Last week we went to a Bee's game! We had such a blast! We sat on the third base line and had a swell time heckling all the players on the other team!

Alex and I! We are planning on attending more games this year! The best part is you can buy the cheapest tickets and then go sit where ever you want because hardly anyone is there!

Brad and Jeff being silly boys!

Tyson and Marshelle! It was really cold at the game! It started pouring during it! I was freezing!

Marshelle and I chilling at the game! I look terrible! We had so much fun at the game and are going to go to a lot more! I love baseball games!

1 comment:

The Workmans said...

You guys will have to come with us when we go! Oliver loves going. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I hate when the games are cold!! Brr...