Monday, May 18, 2009


That's right! I gave in! I watched all 3 High School Musicals over the weekend! I am pretty lame and sadly these movies were right up my alley!

The first one was pretty cute! They all were so little! It was ridiculously cheesy but I can handle cheesy movies! I'm such a girl!

I think that the second one might have been my favorite! I loved Zac's random dance in the field! It was pretty awesome! I have got to learn it!

By the third, I was a bit tired of them but I had made it that far and I was determined to finish! It was fun watching how much they had grown up in the movies!

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are so cute together! In the movies they are such a cute couple! I love it how they really are dating! So cute!


The Workmans said...

YOU SUCK!!!! I'm never telling you I'll see a movie with you ever again. ;) Glad you liked them!!! Now I'm going to have to find someone to watch them with me so I don't feel like a total loser!

Brattany :) said...

You hate me!! I want to watch them again with you! I will bring the popcorn!!