Friday, May 1, 2009


Today is my lovers Birthday! Alex is a whopping 25 years old today! I am the luckiest girl in the world to be married to such an amazing boy! I love you so much Allison and hope you have a wonderful b-day! I thought that I would list 25 things that I LOVE about Al in honor of his B-day!

1. He is the sweetest boy I have ever met

2. He is the funniest boy I know

3. He can always cheer me up

4. He is surprisingly sensitive

5. He is the best husband I could ever asked for

6. He is going to be an amazing father

7. He would do anything for me

8. He is so beautiful

9. He does all the yard work for me because he knows I hate it

10. He has the most beautiful smile

11. He has the best sense of humor

12. He is the most giving person I have ever met

13. He is such an honest boy

14. He sometimes cries in movies (so cute!)

15. He is always teasing everyone (especially me)

16. He is the best person to cuddle with

17. He is so smart and really good at math

18. He loves being lazy as much as I do

19. He makes me want to be a better person to be worthy of him

20. He doesn't take life too seriously

21. He is the best listener and always has the best advice

22. He lets me win when we play video games

23. He is naturally good at anything he tries (I hope our kids get that from him)

24. He is such a hardworker

25. He loves his family so much and would do anything for them

Wow, that was so easy to list all of those things! I love my boy so much!


The Workmans said...

Awww...Happy Birthday Al! That was a really cute post!! Hope you guys are having fun!

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I can't believe he is 25 years old! I still think of him as the little boy who organized the NBA (Neighborhood Basketball Association). Happy birthday Alex!

Leslie said...

What a sweet birthday present to your husband! And happy birthday to YOU!
