Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Al's first trip to San Francisco!!

We had such a blast in San Fran kicking it with Becca and Megan! It was so fun showing Alex all around! San Fran is my second favorite city after New York of course! The first night we arrived in San Fran we were pretty tired and just sat around talking for a bit before we called it an early night!

Al and I on the Cal Train headed into the city! Sadly Becca and Megan both had to work on Thursday so I had to be Alex's tour guide which was a bit nerve racking because I had no clue how the public transportation worked there!

First we hit up Union Square and did some shopping! We saw this and couldn't resist Alex getting his picture taken with Ryan!

They have Ben and Jerry's ice cream stores everywhere in San Fran! We totally had to stop and get a delicious treat for our long walk! Al got his favorite half baked and I got cake batter! Yum!

On our way to China town! I had to take a picture with the cute lion! He reminded me of Aslan!

Alex outside of China town! He was a bit grumpy that I kept taking so many pictures of him!

Then we made the huge trek up about a billion hills toward Grace Cathedral! I wish you could tell how steep it was from the picture! We both were sweating like crazy! Al was a bit mad at first that I was making him go see the Cathedral but then loved it!

Wow look at that view! That wasn't half as steep as the hill we climbed!

Apparently Alex is a way better photographer than I am! My picture sucks! Oh well, Al looks adorable though!

Almost there! Grace Cathedral is so beautiful!

Al sitting in front of the Cathedral!

Al and I both in front of the Cathedral! You can't even see it behind us! Usually the Cathedral is packed with tourist but there was no one there to take our picture! Oh well! Next time!

My adorable boy in front of the Gates of Paradise!

Alex and I in front of the Gates of Paradise! They are so beautiful! I absolutely love them!

Alex got mad at me for taking a picture inside the Cathedral but its just so gorgeous that I couldn't resist! After the entire day of seeing everything San Fran had to offer Al said that the Cathedral was his favorite part! I was so shocked! He kept saying that he didn't want to go to any museums and that this was pushing my luck!

We started heading towards Fisherman's Warf and the buildings along the way were awesome!

One of the steepest streets we saw! Next time we will try to hit up Coit Tower and Lombard Street!

Alex on Pier 39 looking at the adorable Sea Lions!

They are so cute and so funny! They get so angry when one of them tries to climb on top of the rest of them! They all kept sneezing and all this white stuff would come out of their noses! It was a little gross!

This little baby one was so adorable but I felt bad for it because it was all alone!

It was such a foggy day that you couldn't even see the Golden Gate Bridge! I was a bit disappointed because I wanted to go walk a cross it but we figured it would be freezing! Hopefully next time we go the weather will be a bit better!

By then we were absolutely starving! It had been such a long day of walking! We hopped on a free shuttle bus and headed back into Union Square for some dinner! I wanted to try something new but we were too starving to look around so we went the one restaurant in Union Square I knew exactly where it was! Cheesecake Factory!

I love eating at the Cheesecake Factory in San Fran because the view is so amazing! This is the view from the top of Macy's looking over the city! We sat outside so we could be seated right then! It was a bit chilly but the hot mashed potatoes warmed me right up!

The next day we rode the train again into the city but this time Becca and Megan got to join us! They took us down Castro Street!

Castro Street was pretty cool! I had never been there before and it was really fun looking at all the shops and restaurants!

Then we headed over to the Lexington Club! It is the only Lesbian Club in the entire city! Isn't that funny that there is only one? I thought so! Its just a little tiny hole in the wall and apparently it is always packed!

Megan, Becca, and I at the Lexington! Where every night is ladies night! (thats there slogan!)

Us at the Giants game! The Giant stadium is pretty awesome! Its right on the water! They played the Cardinals and sadly the Cards lost! Al was a bit disappointed! The next night they won, we totally went to the wrong game!

Becca and Megan at the game! It was pretty chilly there! I got some delicious Ghirardelli hot chocolate! It was so good! Usually when you get hot chocolate at a ball game its really watery but this was amazing!

The next day we went to the Pup Parade! It was way fun! Peanut is really naughty and tried to attack all the other dogs so he had to be held! Peanut is wearing an adorable scarf that says, I have 2 Mommies! ( a great find the day before on Castro! ) Binky is wearing a cute Burberry tie and collar combo! They are so cute!

I had always wanted to see a vineyard and Becca and Megan took us to this gorgeous one! It was so cute and rustic!

There are hundreds and hundreds of miles of grape vines! Pretty cool!

Alex and I chilling outside! We had a fun time walking around the countryside!

We had such a blast and I can't wait to go back again! We always have so much fun with Becca and Megan! They are so sweet! Thanks guys for such a great trip!


The Workmans said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun! I love San Fransisco so much. I think Jon and I should definitely plan on heading over that way sometime in the near future! I'm glad Al had such a good time!! I can't believe it was his first!

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

Cheesecake Factory. Didnt we eat there almost every meal?