Friday, June 26, 2009

Kickball CHAMPS!!

Last night Al's kickball team, the Kickler's made it to the semi finals! Alex totally thought that they would lose their first game and be out of the running for the championship. My Dad went with me to cheer Alex on which was a wonderful change from sitting alone! They won their first game and went to the Championship game! Surprisingly enough they beat them too! It's so funny how intense it was! Everyone was talking trash on each other! Very entertaining!

My cute Lexy after they won! He was lucky enough to get soaked in Beer! Gross!

The Champions! I tried to take a picture of the team after the game and it didn't really work out! My camera sucks! It always goes blurry!

1 comment:

The Workmans said...

Sounds like you guys had a bunch of fun. Congrats to Al!