Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just My Luck...

Yesterday Sara and I ran to grab a quick lunch... Not quite! I swear I have the worst luck in the entire world! We ran into T.G.I.Fridays to pick up our salads and then we were going to head back to the office to eat! We got in my car and it was completely dead! It wouldn't start!! It's not like I have an old car! It's a 2006! I have never had a problem with it and just like that it was completely dead! Of course Al was working so we were stranded! I called Marky, Al's dad and he came and rescued me! What a great Father-in-law!!! We tried to jump it... it took four tries before it actually started! Now it runs fine when we jump it but then wont start on its own! Cross your fingers that it is only a dead battery!

1 comment:

The Workmans said...

That really sucked yesterday! I hope it's just a dead battery as well. It would be really crappy if it were something major like the computer or something. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!